Apple cider vinegar is kind of amazing. It has a long list of proven benefits including:
boosts immune system
acts as a cold remedy (it soothes a sore throat and clears a stuffy nose!),
boosts energy
prevents indigestion
regulates blood sugar level
lowers cholesterol
reduces risk of heart disease
may prevent cancer
benefits the skin (it acts as a dandruff treatment and a skin toner to clear acne!)
aids in weight loss!
AND turmeric is also incredibly amazing. Here’s just some of the reasons why:
it’s a strong antioxidant (it can improve skin conditions and delay aging!)
it has strong anti-inflammatory effects (including helping with arthritis)
it acts as an anti-depressant
it prevents and treats cancer
it improves brain function
it lowers the risk of brain disease (including Alzheimer’s disease!)
it lowers the risk of heart disease

We found this recipe at aheadofthyme.com
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1 cup hot or warm water
1/2 tablespoon pure maple syrup or honey, or more to taste (optional, to sweeten)
pinch of cayenne pepper powder

Combine ingredients in a drinking glass. Stir with a spoon to combine
Drink immediately